soft.external package


soft.external.packages module

This Python script will implement the following:

  1. Import the rpy2 package, which is a Python interface to the R language.

  2. Import the rpy2.robjects.packages module, which will be used to install R packages.

  3. Import the rpy2.robjects.packages module, which will be used to import R packages.

  4. Install the DChaos package written in R.

  5. Import the DChaos package written in R.

  6. Install the frbs package written in R.

  7. Import the frbs package written in R.

  8. Install the RoughSets package written in R.

  9. Import the RoughSets package written in R.

soft.external.packages.install_r_packages() None

Install the R packages that will be used in this project.



Module contents

This Python module will be used to integrate and interface with external libraries and packages written in other languages. This will be done using the rpy2 package, which is a Python interface to the R language. This will allow us to use R packages from within Python.